![[Intermediate] It’s an incredibly picturesque region](http://englishlearning12.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cots.jpg)
Have you been to the UK?
Actually I’ve been to the UK twice and the trip was amazing. I especially loved Cotswolds.
It’s just beautiful. Many of Japanese tourists go to the museums in London or go to see the musicals. However, I do recommend you to go discover the outskirts of the UK.
It’s a shame that I have already deleted some photos that I took during the trip but I will show you some photos of Cotswolds.
You would defeinetely feel like you were in the fairly tale [e.g Peter Rabbit]
By the way, some of you are not sure if the food is good in the UK but
Rest assured. If you pick the right place and right food, you will be amazed!!
I tried out some cornish pasty
and some Indian food [made in the UK]
picturesque region:絵になるような地域、場所。
fairly tale:おとぎ話
It’s really tasty. You should try it too;)
Well that’s all for today.
I hope you have a lovely weekend 😉
See you later!
Thank you for your cooperation 😉
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